Wer uns kennt

Who know us

About the Trainer Melanie König

After a classic career in Sales, Melanie König began her education in NLP (The Society of NLP – The NLP Connection, Santa Cruz, CA, USA), She certified as NLP Trainer in 2003 and started her life as a freelance trainer and coach. In addition to her NLP certification she has been trained in Accelerated Learning, systemic coaching and is a certified Horse Assisted Trainer and certified Integrative Nature Coach.

Melanie König is passionate about what she does. She is down-to-earth, practical and the suitability for daily use is most important in her work.

Why - my motivation

There is more to life than increasing success, money or speed.

An independent mind is the basis of self-reliable action. With this attitude I approach my work. My job is to support people on their way finding their own pace, directions and ways. I have a lot of questions to ask, believing the answer is already within the client. All we have to do is discover it and listen to it. I’m finding it important to discover the authentic self in the my clients. This is the place where true power, convincing performance and a strong self consciousness, self-awareness and successful leadership derives from.

My way of working

„If you cant put it into simple words, you might not have understood it yourself“

Participants describe me as very authentic, down to earth and focused on solutions applicable for the real work situation. This I find the most important bit of my work. I want my clients to benefit from the time and money spend on training and coaching. I like to include humour in my work and I might even provoke my clients from time to time to encourage them to think out of the box, leaving their comfort zone. I see myself as external help to get in touch with the internal flow, finding new solutions or ideas which are already within. My clients know best which solutions they need and I will guide them finding a way that really works for them.

Was ich von Herzen unterstütze

Seit einigen Jahren unterstütze ich den in Deutschland als gemeinnützig anerkannten, buddhistischen Verein Karuna Samadhi e.V.

Karuna Samadhi trägt mit seinen Projekten dazu bei, die Armut in Sri Lanka zu lindern. Der Verein schafft die Grundlagen dafür, Bildung auch für diejenigen zugänglich zu machen, deren familiärer Hintergrund und finanzielle Mittel nicht ausreichen. Darüber hinaus unterstützt er LehrerInnen und ErzieherInnen dabei, eine geeignete Ausbildung zu erlangen oder notwendiges Unterrichtsmaterial zu beschaffen.

Ich glaube, dass Bildung die Grundlage für eine persönliche Entwicklung und für ein friedliches Miteinander der Menschen ist. Mit einem monatlichen Beitrag unterstütze ich eine Lehrerin dabei, ihrer Arbeit unter besseren Bedingungen nachgehen zu können.

Gerne lade ich Sie dazu ein, sich selbst einen Eindruck zu verschaffen: www.karuna-samadhi.de

Contact Königstraning now!

Are you ready to bring your leadership skills to the next level?
Is it time to get the best out of your team?
Are you ready to challenge your limits without exhaustion?

Königstraining guides you on your way with unconvetional an convential methods.

Horse-Assites Tranings and Coachings. Learn from, with and in the nature. Classic Inhouse Training.